“মুজিববর্ষের কূটনীতি, প্রগতি ও সম্প্রীতি”

“Mujib Year's Diplomacy, Friendship and Prosperity”

Welcome to The Bangladesh Embassy, Kuwait. 

Services provided by Bangladesh Embassy, Kuwait

Notice Board

Email Address of Bangladesh Embassy, Kuwait:

1. Passport related issues: passportvisawing.kuwait@gmail.com 

2. Visa and No visa related issues: passportvisawing.kuwait@gmail.com 

3. For any issue: mission.kuwait@mofa.gov.bd 

Email Addresses of Bangladesh Embassy, Kuwait


Name of Service

Email Address


Passport Related Issues



Visa and No Visa Related Issues



Attestation, Police Clearance and Bangladeshi Driver's license and other consular issue



Power of Attorney related issues


Embassy Location

    Chancery Address 
Messila, Block-7, Street-16,
House- 91 & House-93,
State of Kuwait,
P.O. Box-22344 Safat,
Code- 13084

Telephone : + 965-23900913 
E-mail : mission.kuwait@mofa.gov.bd

Ramadan Office Hours : 9:00 AM  to  3:00 PM.       Helpline/Emergency Contact: +965-66516404

Digital Bangladesh



    Visit of H.E Khandker Anwarul Islam (Cabinet Secretary of Bangladesh) to the State of Kuwait

    A high level delegation of the Government of Bangladesh led by Cabinet Secretary Mr. Anwarul Islam Khandker visited Kuwait from 10 April to 13 April to have an in-person experience of the technical aspects of the maintenance of Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Causeway in Kuwait. On 13 April 2022, the delegation headed by Mr. Anwarul Islam Khandker, Cabinet Secretary of Bangladesh participated a meeting with the Public Authority for Roads and Land Transport (PART) of the State of Kuwait. The meeting was held in a very warm and cordial ambience.

    Art Exhibition-2021 organized by Bangladesh Embassy, Kuwait

    Bangladesh Embassy in Kuwait organized an Art-exhibition at Kuwait Arts Association located in Hawally. Bangladeshi children in Kuwait took part in it and over 260 paintings were displayed at the venue. The Art-Exhibition was for two continuous days. The program was followed by a cultural program on both the days.

    Calender Events