Welcome to the Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Kuwait     ******     (Office hour: Sunday-Thursday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm )

Sonali Bank Representative Office

    Sonali Bank Representative Office    

This Office was set up with an objective of rendering remittance promotion service among Bangladeshi Expatriates working in different areas of Kuwait under jurisdiction of this Embassy.

This office operates in the following manners:

  • Different types of Bank Account Opening.
  • Sale of Wage Earner’s Development Bonds.
  • Sale of U.S. Dollar Investment Bond and Dollar Premium Bond.
  • Settlement of remittance related complaints.
  • Publicity and awareness to the Bangladeshi Expatriates to send remittance through Banking channel.
  • Boost up relation between different Exchange Houses and Sonali Bank Limited.
  • Build up business relations with Bangladeshi business community.
  • Provide necessary assistance in connection with sending remittance to Bangladesh.
  • Miscellaneous: This office sends various types of reports on the above activities to Sonali Bank Limited, Head Office, Dhaka and submits a copy to H.E. Ambassador.

   Office Address and Contact:    

Office Address:
Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Messilah, Block-07, Street-16
Villa 91 & 93, Kuwait
P.O. Box No. 26607, Safat-13084, Kuwait
Telephone(Office)-:00965 23901008 (Direct)
Mobile: 00965-65762097
E-mail: sbrkuwait@yahoo.com

1. Mr. Mohammad Lutfor Rahman

Assistant General Manager &
Sonali Bank Representative

Mobile: 00965-65762097

2.  Mr. Md. Monirul Islam
Office Assistant cum Computer Operator
E-mail: sbrkuwait@yahoo.com